WE ARE FINALLY ON THE ROAD!! 2024 Passports are out, and the Stamps and Dice are in the eager hands of our Partners who are waiting on YOU! So get your kickstands up, and cruise on out while the weather cooperates!! REMEMBER, the ride started on June 1st, so we won’t be rollin’ home until November 1st this year. LET THE FUN BEGIN!!
Ridin’ On Motorcycle Magazine provides local motorcyclists with the most current and dependable news and motorcycle event coverage in Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Indiana. Know when and where to go to join fellow cyclists for rides and events. Read about the brotherhood and charitable spirit that bikers share. Find exactly what you need for your steel steed and the best places to shop and great roads to explore. Discover the local spots to go for bike night or just an evening out to share your motorcycling interest and thrills with other bikers like yourself! Informative, entertaining & educational… Ridin’ On is THE voice for local motorcycling! Come ride with US!
Dearest Ridin’ On Readers, Advertisers, Staff & Supporters,
As you know, it’s been a very difficult time around here with the loss of our beloved editor Bill. There has been a LOT of things going on, and many decisions to make for the family and for the Magazine and the Ride ‘N’ Roll.
So the Bish family is proud to announce that we are moving forward with everything just as it was, continuing Bill’s legacy with honor. To do this, RPM Publishing, LLC has just come to an agreement to take on a partner, and we’d like to welcome the appropriately-named Ridin On Again, LLC into our Ridin’ On family. These folks thought the world of Bill and are decades-long riders themselves and understand and believe in the biker lifestyle as much as we do. I am excited to be working with them as they’ve got plenty of new ideas and want to take things into the 21st century with possible upgrades like Apps and maybe even a future Podcast!
As there were many transition details to work out, we did not produce a January/February edition, but we will be back with our March/April issue to kick off Spring right! After that will be the big May/June edition and along with that YES! – we kick off for the ever-popular 17th Annual Ride ‘N’ Roll 2024! So to all of our friends, family and supporters, old and new – if you are interested in being a stop this year, please email or call us right away!
Please come with us as we start the next chapter of Ridin’ On Motorcycle Magazine, as every one of you have always been part of our success. I can’t help but feel Bill is smiling as his legacy continues, and I truly believe he is an Angel on my shoulder whispering words of encouragement for the upcoming journeys – on the road, with the magazine and everywhere else. 🙂